X-Terra Environmental Services Ltd. was commissioned to introduce an Indigenous Monitoring Program for construction activities for a major pipeline project within Canada.
The goals of this Indigenous Monitoring program are:
Involve Indigenous Communities in the oversight of the pipeline construction activity
Enhancing the oversight of the pipeline construction by having Indigenous Monitors contribute an Indigenous perspective for considerations in compliance verification
Build relationships between the governing bodies and Indigenous Communities
X-Terra Environmental were commissioned by LBX Pipeline Ltd. (LBX), a wholly owned subsidiary of Husky Oil Operations Limited, in 2018 to conduct environmental assessments to construct a pipeline Alberta border within the Onion Lake Indian Reserve, SK, and to complete the reporting for an Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment (ESA) and an Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) to submit to the National Energy Board (NEB), and the Environmental Review Form (EFR) to submit to Indian Oil and Gas Canada (IOGC).
X-Terra Environmental Services Ltd. was commissioned in 2016 to assist with the environmental assessments and permitting required during spill clean up. These included nest surveys, species at risk surveys, and vegetation inventories. Associated permitting included Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Authorization for the various cleanup activities, Aquatic Habitat Protection Permit applications for required disturbance to the bed and banks of the river, and Crown Land Approval applications for cleanup activities on Provincial Crown Land or crossing Crown Land to access the river. X-Terra also lead the environmental monitoring during the response with up to 44 environmental monitors during the initial response phase. In addition to permitting and monitoring, X-Terra also lead the Resources at Risk group due to years of extensive experience and knowledge of the area and the associated sensitivities along the North Saskatchewan River. This included identifying, mapping and prioritizing cleanup activities based on these resources at risk. It also involved engagement with local indigenous communities while completing Traditional Resource at Risk Assessments with elders and knowledge holders from the key communities along the North Saskatchewan River and the surrounding area. Furthermore, subsequent to the initial response, X-Terra’s role also included permitting and monitoring of the reclamation of the access points and boat launches used to respond to the spill.
X-Terra Environmental Services Ltd. was commissioned in 2017 and 2018 to conduct environmental assessments for a natural gas pipeline abandonment on the US border within a Co-op Pasture, and to complete the reporting for an Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment (ESA) and an Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) to submit to the National Energy Board (NEB). The project involved describing the biophysical components of the area and identifying any potential impacts on Valued Components (VCs) including soils, wetlands, vegetation, wildlife, and species at risk. It also involved completing a cumulative effects assessment and developing plans for mitigation to avoid potential short and long-term impacts to VCs.
X-Terra Environmental Services Ltd. was commissioned since 2016 to execute a Post-Construction Monitoring Program (PCMP) within the Onion Lake Indian Reserve, at the request of IOGC. The objectives of the program are to monitor for changes in biophysical characteristics of the project area following construction. The monitoring program was separated into three categories: Wetlands, Vegetation, and Wildlife. The Onion Lake PCMP falls within federal IOGC jurisdiction and allows for the real-time implementation of mitigation measures due to year-round monitoring of the upstream facilities in the project area.
X-Terra Environmental Services Ltd. has completed environmental monitoring of construction activities of a direct intake on the North Saskatchewan River. X-Terra conducted overall environmental monitoring for mid-lift and low-lift modules, pipeline construction, riverbank pipeline HDD, in water spur and cofferdam construction, fish counts and fish salvage operations, dewatering operations. Once the intake structure was completed, X-Terra monitored spur and cofferdam removal operations with subsequent reclamation, between 2016 and November 2020. A key component of the project was the in-water work conducted on the North Saskatchewan River (NSR), for which X-Terra conducted on-water (jet boat) and remote telemetry turbidity monitoring as part of the DFO requirements for the construction and removal of in-water components. X-Terra conducted and managed all spill response, reporting, documentation and clean-up efforts.
Upon completion of the direct intake and its various components, X-Terra monitored interim reclamation efforts. This involved riverbank stabilization, erosion control systems, offsetting plans and implementation. The project required 5 environmental monitors, due to the multiple components of the project being simultaneously constructed. Diligent project management, client liaison and communication throughout the project was essential in its successful execution.
X-Terra Environmental Services Ltd. was commissioned in 2018 to complete environmental monitoring of construction activities on their 58km Mid-stream Product Pipeline. X-Terra conducted overall environmental monitoring for pipeline construction, HDD and reclamation operations between November 2018 and November 2019
X-Terra Environmental Services Ltd. was commissioned in 2016 and 2017 to assist with the planning and conduct the environmental assessments for a Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) Thermal Facility, and to complete the reporting for a Technical Proposal for submission to EASB. This included approximately 45km of associated pipeline and the HDD of several water crossings, as well as the central processing facility, well pads and associated above-ground pipelines and midstream facilities. In 2018 and 2019 X-Terra was commissioned to complete the pre-construction wildlife assessments and the environmental monitoring during project construction.
X-Terra Environmental Services Ltd. was commissioned in 2017 to provide environmental monitoring services associated with the construction and reclamation of a 200km 230kV Transmission line in Southern Saskatchewan. The project involved four teams of environmental monitors working with four independent construction crews. Successful execution depended on communication and consistency of messaging between X-Terra’s monitoring teams as well as communication with construction crews, the client’s Resource Specialists and the provincial Ministry of Environment. In addition to typical construction mitigations, the project also used cleaning and wash stations to mitigate the spread of weeds and invasive species.
X-Terra Environmental Services Ltd. has assisted with the planning and conducted the environmental assessment for a Mid-stream Product Pipeline, and to complete the reporting for a Technical Proposal and Environmental Impact Statement.
In order to address increased infrastructure requirements in Saskatchewan’s oil and gas industry a new pipeline was installed in 2018/2019, a portion of which was bored beneath the north Saskatchewan river. With the aim of minimizing the effect of construction on wildlife a turbidity monitoring project was developed for the North Saskatchewan River. In addition to monitoring of construction activities, X-Terra was responsible for the monitoring of the river water to ensure no drilling fluid was being unintentionally released.
Once completed, construction of this pipeline will update and upgrade the existing infrastructure, and with the help of X-Terra, be constructed in a way that has minimal effects on this environmentally sensitive area and its inhabitants.
To help build environmental careers in the local Indigenous communities where they work, X-Terra Environmental Services Ltd. is incorporating the Eco-Canada Building Environmental Aboriginal Human Resources (BEAHR) Workforce training programs into both the up-front environmental assessment of projects, construction monitoring and subsequent ongoing environmental monitoring.