X-Terra Environmental Services Ltd.
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Environmental Compliance Monitoring


X-Terra’s multidisciplinary team is able to provide our clients with a wide range of expertise to ensure compliance with any regulatory conditions. Our environmental monitors have experience working within the most environmentally sensitive areas throughout Saskatchewan, Alberta and the Northwest Territories. X-Terra monitors act pro-actively to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and environmental protection commitments made by proponents. Our monitors often oversee and/or supervise a variety of activities in addition to the construction of the project, such as clearing of vegetation as a form of habitat removal prior to the migratory bird breeding season, installing bird deterrents to prevent nesting and potential non-compliance with the Migratory Bird Convention Act, installing temporary stream crossings and carrying out longer-term erosion monitoring and control programs. Our team of monitors have a combination of education, experience, and practical field skills to fulfill the specific needs of any project and to meet the expectations of government and industry.

Our strength is having environmental monitors with extensive experience to act as a liaison between industry and regulators. This extensive experience also allows us to identify potential issues that may cause costly project delays prior to them occurring and offer proactive mitigations for client consideration to save time and costly delays.

Our Monitoring Expertise Includes:

-Construction Monitoring

  • Pipeline construction monitoring.

  • Pad site and facility monitoring.

  • Exploration monitoring.

  • Horizontal Directional Drilling of Waterbodies.

  • Turbidity and frac-out monitoring and response.

  • Species at Risk monitoring.

  • Ongoing regulative compliance.

  • Fish salvage.

  • Erosion and sedimentation control.

-Ongoing Compliance

  • Commitments tracking.

  • Site auditing.

  • Weed management planning, inspection and treatment.

  • Reclamation inspection.

-Drilling Waste Management

  • Fluids management.

  • Landspray while drilling.

  • Waste tracking and disposal planning.