Geomatics Services
Our GIS group works closely with our clients on initial site and route planning, figure preparation, habitat delineation, statistical analysis and modelling. We use GIS analysis to further outline project risks and constraints in the planning phase prior to field assessments taking place to facilitate planning. Our team is experienced classifying wetlands, developing ecological land classification and habitat suitability models, and designing wildlife, vegetation, and soil impact assessments. In additional to up front assistance, we routinely prepare figures and deliverables, and work with our clients to produce map products used for stakeholder engagement, open houses, presentations and regulatory information sessions.
Our Primary GIS Services Include
Environmental Mapping and Monitoring
Pre-Construction Environmental Impact Assessments
Environmental Constraints Identification and Mapping
Wetland Delineation
Landcover and Habitat Classification
Wildlife Surveys - Rare and Endangered Species
Heritage Resources
Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) Modelling
Mitigation Planning
Pipeline and Utility Corridor Routing
Alignment Sheets
Ongoing Construction Monitoring
Real Time Mapping and reporting
Spill Response and Mitigation
Spill Mapping
Mitigation Plans
Real Time Reporting Tools
Post Construction Regeneration Surveys
Surface Water Analysis
Flood Mapping
Site Drainage Analysis and Planning
Surface Water Impact Assessments
GIS Application Development
Cloud Based Online Web Apps
Field Data Collection Application Development
Custom Application Development
Remote Sensing
Use the Latest in Satellite Aerial UAV Technologies
Vegetation Analysis
Before/After Comparisons
Eagle Analytics
UAV Applications
Fixed Wing and Rotary Drone
Detailed Site Specific Reporting
Landscape Level Reporting